About us


Hello, my name is Sonya, owner of Sachère! People often ask me why I incorporate Asian flavours into my desserts and where my inspirations come from. I grew up in Western Canada, and my stepfather is a Quebecois from Joliette. Growing up, my stepfather and mother owned a karate dojo for 10 years. The household I grew up in was completely bilingual and I was introduced to Japanese culture at a very young age, and as a family we practiced a style of Japanese karate called Shito-ryu (糸東流). I trained in Shito-ryu until the age of 14, hence the reason why we find this influence in my work. Quebec culture was also very present in my childhood and that's why I feel so at home in Montreal. I have lived in this beautiful city for 23 years now and, when I opened Sachère in 2014, it was important for me to offer something original and different. My ganache cakes, made without buttercream, were the first of their kind in Montreal and since then, we have inspired other businesses in Montreal to recreate our ideas. I hold originality close to my heart at Sachère!